[Modeling-users] User's Guide in Microsoft HTML Help (chm) format
Axel Kollmorgen
2004-02-10 17:31:04 UTC
hi all,

i'm a long time Apple WebObjects developer having started with Python
only recently. i'm glad i found Modeling - thanks for bringing the great
EOF to Python!

while getting started with Modeling, i found the User's Guide in HTML /
PDF format a little slow for fast reference and browsing. that's why i
made it into chm format, which allows fast offline browsing and fulltext
searching under windows. i find this quite comfortable and thought
others might too, so i put this up on my chm site: http://chm.kollm.org/
. feel free to download, use, and include into the package.

feedback appreciated.

The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it
made. - Jean Gieraudoux