[Modeling-users] which license?
Holger Schurig
2004-03-15 18:59:05 UTC
Modeling/DatabaseAdaptor/setup.py states license="BSD-like", but
Modeling/DatabaseAdaptor/COPYING says GPLv2

BTW: some similar (but still very different) project OFBIZ did chose the
MIT license. www.ofbiz.org contains many well defined models together
with java code to create business software. The models are defined in
XML, but do provide more than python-Modelling currently supports.
Sebastien Bigaret
2004-03-15 20:40:35 UTC
Post by Holger Schurig
Modeling/DatabaseAdaptor/setup.py states license="BSD-like", but
Modeling/DatabaseAdaptor/COPYING says GPLv2
Sorry, DBAdaptors/setup.py is a very old version (0.7a5) that was
forgotten here; the package DBAdaptors was once distributed apart, if I
remember well. This setup.py is now useless and it will be removed in
the next version.
