[Modeling-users] SybaseAdaptorLayer
Duncan McGreggor
2004-07-29 00:59:04 UTC
Hey folks,

I've just started writing a SybaseAdaptorLayer... AOL uses Sybase for
certain internal projects, and we will be using Modeling to develop
some stuff for them. I don't know Sybase at all, and have been reading
the docs. Does anyone on the list have any experience, gotchas,
wishlists for a Sybase adaptor for Modeling?

Sebastien, if it's useful, I'd be more than willing to donate the
adaptor layer once it's proven to work...


Sebastien Bigaret
2004-07-29 06:48:07 UTC
Hi Duncan,
Post by Duncan McGreggor
Hey folks,
I've just started writing a SybaseAdaptorLayer... AOL uses Sybase for certain
internal projects, and we will be using Modeling to develop some stuff for
them. I don't know Sybase at all, and have been reading the docs. Does anyone
on the list have any experience, gotchas, wishlists for a Sybase adaptor for
Sebastien, if it's useful, I'd be more than willing to donate the adaptor
layer once it's proven to work...
This is great news and yes, a Sybase adaptor will certainly be useful.

However, sorry, I've never used any sybase db server aither, so I've
no experience to offer. But we can definitely work together to make
it happen, esp. regarding testing and integrating it into the

Integrating a new layer in the framework means that we should be able to
integrate it into the testing units, so we should also be able to deploy
a dedicated db-server on the testing machines. With respect to these
requirements, could you confirm that the testing components are the

- Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5.2

- Sybase module for Python (python DB API v2.0 compliant)

(I picked up these after a quick google search, nothing more!)

I can only test linux-based configurations; if you plan to use different
components and/or different OSes, could you let us know?

Looking forward to download the first draft of a Sybase adaptor ;),

-- Sébastien.
Duncan McGreggor
2004-07-29 13:56:06 UTC
Post by Sebastien Bigaret
This is great news and yes, a Sybase adaptor will certainly be useful.
However, sorry, I've never used any sybase db server aither, so I've
no experience to offer. But we can definitely work together to make
it happen, esp. regarding testing and integrating it into the
Yeah, neither have I; I'm getting some experienced Sybase folks to work
with me on this project and advise on Sybase SQL dialect.
Post by Sebastien Bigaret
Integrating a new layer in the framework means that we should be able to
integrate it into the testing units, so we should also be able to deploy
a dedicated db-server on the testing machines. With respect to these
requirements, could you confirm that the testing components are the
- Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5.2
- Sybase module for Python (python DB API v2.0 compliant)
Yes, those are the kind and versions we are using.
Post by Sebastien Bigaret
I can only test linux-based configurations; if you plan to use
components and/or different OSes, could you let us know?
You bet. I will be testing on a SuSE 9.0 box myself. I don't know what
flavor of linux the group at AOL uses, but I will find out today at the
kickoff meeting. We also have another potential client, and for them we
will be putting a Mac OS X Xserver appliance in place for them.
Post by Sebastien Bigaret
Looking forward to download the first draft of a Sybase adaptor ;),
Awesome! I've got a skeleton in place, based on the Postgresql adaptor;
I'm waiting on the Sybase experts right now. This project has a very
short timeline, so I expect I should have something to you very


Duncan McGreggor
2004-09-10 17:58:01 UTC
Post by Duncan McGreggor
Post by Sebastien Bigaret
This is great news and yes, a Sybase adaptor will certainly be useful.
However, sorry, I've never used any sybase db server aither, so I've
no experience to offer. But we can definitely work together to make
it happen, esp. regarding testing and integrating it into the
Yeah, neither have I; I'm getting some experienced Sybase folks to
work with me on this project and advise on Sybase SQL dialect.
Post by Sebastien Bigaret
Integrating a new layer in the framework means that we should be able to
integrate it into the testing units, so we should also be able to deploy
a dedicated db-server on the testing machines. With respect to these
requirements, could you confirm that the testing components are the
- Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5.2
- Sybase module for Python (python DB API v2.0 compliant)
Yes, those are the kind and versions we are using.
Post by Sebastien Bigaret
I can only test linux-based configurations; if you plan to use different
components and/or different OSes, could you let us know?
You bet. I will be testing on a SuSE 9.0 box myself. I don't know what
flavor of linux the group at AOL uses, but I will find out today at
the kickoff meeting. We also have another potential client, and for
them we will be putting a Mac OS X Xserver appliance in place for
Post by Sebastien Bigaret
Looking forward to download the first draft of a Sybase adaptor ;),

We're on-site today at AOL and I'm testing a SybaseAdaptor on their
dbserver. We were told linux, but it's actually Solaris that they are
using. No matter, the sybase py module works just fine (well, more or
less... you can't call a connection without assigning it it to a
variable, otherwise python is killed).

Anyway, we'll be working on the app and the adaptor through next week.
When I'm ready to send you the code, what method do you prefer?

Talk to you soon,


Duncan M. McGreggor mailto:***@adytum.us
Systems & p 301.698.5032
Applications Engineer m 301.801.0349
AdytumSolutions, Inc. http://adytum.us
Sebastien Bigaret
2004-09-12 08:07:17 UTC
Hi Duncan,

Duncan McGreggor <***@adytumsolutions.com> wrote:
Post by Duncan McGreggor
We're on-site today at AOL and I'm testing a SybaseAdaptor on their
dbserver. We were told linux, but it's actually Solaris that they are
using. No matter, the sybase py module works just fine (well, more or
less... you can't call a connection without assigning it it to a variable,
otherwise python is killed).
Anyway, we'll be working on the app and the adaptor through next week. When
I'm ready to send you the code, what method do you prefer?
That's great! And I'll be happy to grab the first version of it in the
Patches section @sf.

BTW: Something I've already said here but that is not written anywhere
else (I should fix this): since I want to keep the copyright status of
the framework as clear as possible --so before integrating code into
mdl I ask that the contributor either assign the copyright on his
contribution to me, or disclaim copyright on it and thus put it in the
public domain (if this is a problem, the adaptor can be released as a
separate package).

Now a question: will you (or someone in your team?) continue to work w/
this adaptor (either on new projects or maintaining that one) after the
project is installed? Asking this, because I would prefer that someone
using the adaptor can take the leadership on it, replying to users,
addressing specific bugs etc. Would you be interested?

-- Sébastien.
Duncan McGreggor
2004-09-14 22:19:59 UTC
Post by Sebastien Bigaret
Post by Duncan McGreggor
Anyway, we'll be working on the app and the adaptor through next week. When
I'm ready to send you the code, what method do you prefer?
That's great! And I'll be happy to grab the first version of it in the
BTW: Something I've already said here but that is not written anywhere
else (I should fix this): since I want to keep the copyright status of
the framework as clear as possible --so before integrating code into
mdl I ask that the contributor either assign the copyright on his
contribution to me, or disclaim copyright on it and thus put it in the
public domain (if this is a problem, the adaptor can be released as a
separate package).
Let me ask the people I am contracting for about this. They are big
supporters of OSS, so odds are good.
Post by Sebastien Bigaret
Now a question: will you (or someone in your team?) continue to work w/
this adaptor (either on new projects or maintaining that one) after the
project is installed? Asking this, because I would prefer that someone
using the adaptor can take the leadership on it, replying to users,
addressing specific bugs etc. Would you be interested?
A qualified interested:

I would be more than willing, however:
1) I have very little experience with Sybase, and
2) The only Sybase access I will have after this project is Sybase 12.5
(most recent) on Mac OS X.

If folks don't have problems with those and can work with me on issues
(e.g., educate me on Sybase specifics, as needs arise), I would be
honored to maintain and assist :-)


P.S. I apologize for the delay; I just found out they've finished
building out the parts of the deployment env., and we're ready to
continue work on site this Friday.
